- Ultrasonic screening
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Routine antenatal examination
- Ultrasound
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See sonography
- Umbrella occlusion
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Special catheterisation technique, e.g. for a ductus closure with a small umbrella, which is inserted through the heart and unfolded in the ductus
- Univentricular heart
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Collective term for a number of different cardiac defects where just one ventricle drives both circulatory systems (pulmonary and systemic), e.g. single ventricle (DIV)
- Uterine
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Relating to the uterus (womb)
- Uteroplacental insufficiency
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Inadequate functioning of the womb/placenta
Author(s): Kinderherzstiftung, Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Sticker, Hermine Nock
Reviewed by: Professor Dr Hedwig Hövels-Gürich
Last updated: 2009-04-28