- Laminar flow
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Flow without turbulence, e.g. laminar flow pattern through aortic valve (during ultrasound examination); opposite of turbulent flow (turbulance)
- LeCompte manoeuvre
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Surgical procedure named after a French heart surgeon, used during the arterial switch
- Left-to-right shunt
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E.g. in ventricular septal defects. A hole in the cardiac septum allows oxygenated blood to flow from the left to the right ventricle and from there to the lungs
- Left-ventricular hypertrophy
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Increase of the size of the walls of the left ventricle usually caused by the pressure of hypertension; can lead to cardiac insufficiency.
- Left cardiac catheter
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See cardiac catherterisation
- Ligature
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Operative constriction or compression of vessels
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Left ventricular outflow tract; the path taken by the blood from the left ventricle to the aorta
- Lyse
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Dissolution of a blood clot (fibrin) using specific anticoagulant proteins